Graduate Student Research Colloquium
Abstract Submission Instructions
General Submission Guidelines
- Authors’ names should appear on one submission only.
- Authors should be graduate students enrolled at the University of Tennessee.
- Submissions will include two files. One file will include identifying information only, which will be all authors names, in order of authorship; the email address of the first author (which is required to be a graduate student); and the department name. The second file will include only the department name, the title of the abstract, and the abstract. The second file should include no author names (no identifying names) to allow a blinded review.
- All submissions should be submitted to the Dean’s Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) at the following e-mail address:
Abstract Format
- Times New Roman 12-point font.
- 1-inch margins.
- Single-spaced with double space between paragraphs.
- Name of department in upper left-hand corner followed by a line space.
- Presentation title should be completely capitalized (every letter in every word should be capitalized) followed by a line space.
- Abstracts should be in a structured format with a separate paragraph for each section: Purpose, Research Question, Methodology, Findings, Conclusions/Implications.
- There should be a line space between each paragraph.
- The type of work submitted in the abstract should be able to address each section in the structured abstract. While a project does not need to be completed for an abstract to be submitted, the project does need to have findings that can be submitted in the abstract.
- Abstracts are limited to 500 words (excluding title, citations, and references).
- The abstract should include text only (no tables or figures).
- Citations and references should follow the style used in abstracts in the discipline that the first author is from. This can also include not using citations in the abstract. If citations are used, they should be accompanied by a corresponding reference at the end of the abstract.
- The information that is submitted is what is used to generate the online version of the Conference Abstracts, as well as the presentation schedule. Authors should verify the correctness of the information provided.
- Proofread all submissions.
- Submit two pdf documents with the file names as Last Name_First Name Identifying Information and Lase Name_First Name Colloquium Abstract.
Please view this Writing an abstract PowerPoint for more information!